Further information on the MCM can be found at:
Selection of references for studies using FACSIMILE for Windows:
1. OH and HO2 chemistry in the urban atmosphere of New York City. X. Ren, H. Harder, M. Martinez, R.L.Lesher, A. Oliger, J.B. Simpas, W.H. Brune, J.J. Schwab, K.L. Demerjian, Y.Hi, X. Zhou, H. Gao. Atmospheric Environment, 37, 3639-3651, (2003).
2. Seasonal variation of VOC concentrations above a boreal coniferous forest. H Hakola, V Tarvainen, T Laurila, H Hellen, P Keronen, Atmospheric Environment, 37, 1623-1634 (2003).
3. Photochemical ozone formation in north west Europe and its control. R.G.Derwent, M.E.Jenkin, S.M.Saunders, M.J.Pilling, P.G.Simmonds, N.R.Passant, G.J.Dollard, P.Dumitrean, A.Kent. Atmospheric Environment, 37, 1983-1991, (2003).
4. Seasonal variation of peroxy radicals in the lower free troposphere based on observa tions from the FREE Tropospheric Experiments in the Swiss Alps. P. Zanis, P.S.Monks, T.J. Green, E. Schuepbach, L.J. Carpenter, G.P. Mills, A.R. Rickard and S.A. Penkett, Geo physical Research Letters. 30 (10), 1497,doi:10.1029/2003GL017122 (2003).
5. Importance of volatile organic compounds photochemistry over a forested area in central Greece. K Tsigaridis, M Kanakidou, Atmospheric Environment, 36, 3137-314(2002).
6. Development of a reduced speciated VOC degradation mechanism for use in ozone models. M.E. Jenkin, S.M. Saunders, R.G. Derwent and M.J. Pilling. Atmospheric Environment, 36, 4725-4734 (2002)
7. Comparison of measured and modeled surface ozone concentrations at two different sites in Europe during the solar eclipse on August 11, 1999. P.Zanis, C.S. Zerefos, S.Gilge, D. Melas, D. Balis, I. Ziomas, E. Gerasopoulos, P. Tzoumaka, U. Kaminski, W. Fricke. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 4663-4673, (2001).
8. Ozone formation downwind of an industrial source of hydrocarbons under European conditions, R.G.Derwent. Atmospheric Environment, 34,3689-3700, (2000).
9. Understanding radical chemistry in the marine boundary layer, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Carslaw N., P.J. Jacobs and M.J. Pilling Atmospheric Environmane, 25, 235-243, (2000),
10. The role of in-situ photochemistry in the control of ozone during spring at the Jung fraujoch (3,580m asl) - Comparison of model results with measurements. P. Zanis, P.S. Monks, E. Schuepbach and S.A. Penkett J.Atmos.Chem., 37(1), 1-27, (2000).
11. Modelling photochemical oxidant formation, transport, deposition and exposure of terrestrial ecosystems. D.Fowler, J.N.Cape, M.Coyle, R.I.Smith, A.-G.Hjellbrekke, D.Simpson, R.G.Derwent and C.E.Johnson. Environmental Pollution 100, 43-55, (1999).
12. Impact of aircraft emissions on tropospheric and stratospheric ozone. Part 1: Chemistry and 2-D model results. J-U Grooß, C. Brühl, T. Peter. Atmospheric Environment, 32, 3173-3184, (1998).